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Get Started
We prepare students to ace the SAT and PSAT.
This program is offered in June,
July, August and January.
1507 W Hebron Pkwy Carrollton, TX 75010
3550 Parkwood Blvd, #500, Frisco, TX 75034
South Plainfield
50 Cragwood Rd #104 South Plainfield, NJ 07080
High-quality education no matter what the location

Delivery Methods

Virtual live group classes
Virtual live group classes
In-person group classes
In-person group classes
Virtual one-on-one classes
Virtual one-on-one classes
In-person one-on-one classes
In-person one-on-one classes
Virtual self-paced classes
Virtual self-paced classes


Did you know? Our average score improvement on SAT is + 285 and on ACT is +5.
Our interactive prep program will help polish your score until it shines.

Program Highlights

15 Week Instruction
15 Week Instruction
We spend just the right amount of time on just the right subjects to ensure you get your top score.
Methodical Approach
Methodical Approach
Learn in an interactive, engaging group setting that pushes every student to their potential.
Platinum Video Membership
Platinum Video Membership
Access to a comprehensive library of video recordings of every subject area organized by topic.
Student Portal
Student Portal
Available around the clock so you can check-in whenever you’re at your best.
Join an intense study breakout session on areas of concern or interest to you.
10 Practice Tests
10 Practice Tests
Practice makes perfect and we believe that practice tests will help you relax and focus so you can do your best.
Learning Materials
Learning Materials
You will be able to use our library of video tutorials and explanations, as well as course manuals to enhance your learning.
Sneaky form of learning as they don’t feel like a traditional activity. Help the student practice existing knowledge and stimulate interest in learning new subject matter.

Our numbers speak for themselves

students increase their score
average increase
median score
scored 1300 or higher
scored 1400 or higher
scored 1500 or higher

Every Subject is Covered

Our curriculum is designed to take you to your best score on each of the areas of the test.
You will master test-taking skills so that you’re confident on test day.

Time spent on instruction and learning

Reading - 32%

Writing and Language - 28%

Math - 40%

Why Brilliant Prep?

We closely monitor student test results and feedback to make our programs the best. We know what works and 99 % of our students see an increased score after completing a Brilliant Prep program.
Led by our instructors, our team works to ensure each student is provided the tools and guidance they need to succeed. Everything from group learning to practice tests and solo review are available for you.
Every lesson is jam packed with information that will help you perform at your best. We love what we do and want you to enjoy this process - it will be fun and won’t feel like additional homework.

Star Students

Adit G
Marquette University High School
Milwaukee, WI
Brilliant Prep’s classes helped increase my SAT score by over 300 points, a feat that I never could have anticipated. Mr.Poduri was always there to answer my questions, teach me shortcuts for tricky concepts, and provide endless strategies that gave me an edge on test day. With his help, I not only learned how to crack the SAT, but I also gained valuable verbal and math skills that will last long after I graduate. Thank you, Brilliant Prep!

Got questions? Well, we have the answers!

Because we provide each student with comprehensive and individualized instruction, we prefer to group students of different levels together. Over the years we have found that this reduces the self-consciousness of some students and the arrogance of others while stimulating natural, healthy competition. It also ensures that no assumptions are made about a student’s skill level and that all students can perform at their best of their ability. Moreover, we prefer to set up the teaching atmosphere in the same way as the testing atmosphere, in which students will not be sitting in skill level groups.

We create WhatsApp groups for each class, and both parents and students are welcome to join. We will post important announcements, links to resources, additional tips, and assignments on the group chat, so we highly recommend that you be a part of it. We also communicate individually with parents via email or phone as needed to assure that their student’s best interest is served.

Yes! Students (and adults) get bored if every assignment is a reading exercise, all classes are lectures, and every learning activity is the same. So, we regularly deliver information to our students in a “mix” that includes reading, lectures, discussions, and in-person consultations. We give immediate feedback to students on their performance on writing prompts and tests – this can occur in person or through email, phone calls, or WhatsApp messages.

We keep our in-person classes at 12-15 students and our online classes at 8-10 students in order to give students the attention you are paying for and to assure them that they each get the opportunity to participate. We care about each student’s results —partly because their results are our reputation, and ultimately because our teaching hearts are rewarded when they succeed.

We use two workbooks—Book A and Book B—for every course. We cover a little material from both books during each class, and we assign some math, reading, and/or writing homework from the books OR a practice essay at the end of each session.* In the following class we review the previous session’s homework assignment before moving on to new material.

* Look below to learn more about our practice essay assignments.

We deliver our courses in two formats: instruction and testing. All instruction is done through live in-class discussions and explanations of questions from our provided workbooks. Testing is done via practice exams extracted from previously administered tests. Below is a brief overview of the three steps which our SAT/PSAT prep courses follow:

  1. One Diagnostic Test: We use a diagnostic test as a tool to assess the student’s level of knowledge and test-taking abilities before our classes even begin. The diagnostic test score serves as a baseline measurement to analyze student progress through the course. That way, students can see how much they improved in just a matter of weeks!
  2. Learning and Instruction: We spend the bulk of our course teaching students material that will be tested on the SAT/PSAT, providing them with test-taking strategies, and practicing with sections of real exams. We teach math in every session and rotate all other topics. We also give around one hour worth of homework each week.
  3. Practice, Practice, Practice: At the end of the SAT/PSAT classes, students take practice tests each week so that they can compare their diagnostic test results to subsequent test scores and monitor their progress. The more times these tests are taken, the more comfortable students become with them and the better scores they achieve.

A lot! Classes are taught in a question and answer format and each student is called upon to participate. We are observant in class and watch as well as listen for indications that a student may be confused about or behind in a topic. In those cases, we initiate discussion and if needed, we offer to schedule a phone call outside of class to make a plan to help the student succeed. We also respond to student emails and text messages within 24 hours. After all, we want all of our students to shine!

Absolutely! We believe that all students should write the optional essay on the SAT. Thus, we teach students the tips and tricks needed to write the best essays possible. We frequently assign essays as homework and ask our students to send them to a renowned essay-grader, who provides students with scores and video feedback on where they can make changes. This way, students can fix their mistakes and track their improvement in their writing skills. As an added bonus, the writing skills that students learn in our classes also benefit them in English classes in school. It’s a win-win!

We highly recommend that students follow our comprehensive study plan, which includes everything from downloading apps with daily practice questions to reading editorials to improve vocabulary and reading skills. Students will discover that doing these things regularly will benefit them immensely on test day.

01. Enrollment

Students must be enrolled to participate. Enrollments are accepted in June, July, August, and January.

02. Parent Pre-Consultation

After enrollment, instructor meets with parents and student before course begins to explain standard processes and expectations, to answer questions, and to schedule Diagnostic Tests.

03. Student Diagnostic Tests

Students take a full-length practice SAT (3 hours). These diagnostic test results help identify student-specific course content needs.

04. Instruction

All students complete standard Brilliant Prep’s SAT coursework and homework assignments with particular individual emphasis on areas identified in pre-testing, progress reports and periodic evaluation meetings.

SAT PREP (18 weeks)

Session 1-17.

Instructor meets with students for 1.5 hrs. 1 x per week for learning SAT course content and testing strategies; students receive course homework and instructor review.

Session 18.

Students take a full-length (3-hour) SAT practice test.

05. Practice Testing

Students meet 1 time per week for 3 hours per meeting to take SAT practice tests (9 weeks).

06. Actual Tests

Provided for your information, the annual SAT is offered several times a year.

We recommend taking your SAT twice for best results.
SAT is offered

August, October, November, December, March, May, and June.
Visit www.collegeboard.org for actual dates.